Destiny 2
Destiny 2 has just introduced its new “roguelike” activity for Episode Heresy, where “Nether” does not let you regenerate health normally, forcing you to pick up healing orbs or find boons like heal on finisher or class ability use.
With a team, it’s not terribly difficult. Solo is much harder. But as it stands, there are at least two, possibly three ways you can “cheat” the system and get around its no-normal-heals mechanics if you want to.
Once the no-heal concept was announced, everyone got big ideas about how to get around this between restoration, recouperation, devour, Warlock rifts or healing weapons like Red Death or ones with Heal Clip. Turns out Bungie thought of that and killed all that healing being useful. They said that they did so too much, and will patch that, but for now, they did in fact miss a few healing sources that work almost as normal if you don’t want to deal with the mechanics. It’s not cheating if it's not an actual hack! And it will probably get fixed soon anyway. Before you yell at me, I know for a fact Bungie already knows about these and I am not ruining the fun. I’m spreading the fun! For now. Here they are.
Destiny 2
Titan Knockout Aspect – This one only works on Titan, obviously, but the ability to heal you when Knockout is active has not been nerfed for the activity. As a refresher, here’s how it works:
“Critically wounding a target or breaking their shield infuses your melee attacks with Arc energy and increases your melee range and damage for a short time. Defeating targets with melee attacks makes you amplified and restores a portion of your health. Defeating more powerful combatants increase the amount of health restored.”
So, put this aspect on, punch a lot of things. True Titan stuff. Put on Synthoceps to make that even easier.
Destiny 2
Crimson – Unlike its counterpart Red Death, the healing portion of Crimson does in fact return health, and of course you can use it on any class. Certainly more useful than just Knockout considering how often you’ll be killing stuff with it, just don’t get too cocky. Here’s the heal description:
“Kills with this weapon heal the wielder. Precision kills also refill the magazine.”
Destiny 2
Lumina – I’m 90% sure this works, and as such, serves as a heal for your team. It is the dedicated healing hand cannon, and somehow it has been missed in this sweep. Here’s the healing description:
“Kills with this weapon leave behind Remnants. Absorbing a Remnant converts your next hipfired shot into an ally-seeking Noble Round and partially refills the magazine. Using a Noble Round on an ally heals them and grants both you and them a weapon damage bonus for a short duration.”
Rat King
Update 1: Rat King! The healing on this also works the way it’s stated.
Update 2: Unrelenting! This is a perk that can be on loads of legendary weapons, if you have actually saved it, that is, so it may be more useful than all these otherese.
These are the three (now five) I’ve found so far. Maybe there are more. Again, Bungie knows about these. Again, I do not think this activity is all that hard even using the normal healing mechanics. But hey, if you want easy mode? Here’s easy mode. At least for a week or so.
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Pick up my sci-fi novels the Herokiller series and The Earthborn Trilogy.
#Cheat #Destiny #NoHeal #Nether