It’s Season of the Wish in Destiny 2, and I did not realize Bungie was going to take that quite so literally. The game has been going through a checklist of things people have wanted in the game for ages, sometimes literally years now, and throughout this past year, with the last few months in particular, it seems like they are doing everything humanly possible to engage the community and make The Final Shape the megahit they badly need.
I thought I would go through the grand list to try to catalogue all of these. I am also going to include things that are hitting The Final Shape itself in just three weeks.
You can favorite shaders
You can redesign your face any time
There is now an in-game Fireteam finder
You can access your vault from orbit
There are three new Crucible maps for the first time in years
There is a challenging, escalating difficulty seasonal activity in The Coil
Into the Light finally made a true horde mode
Into the Light brought back a dozen fan favorite weapons, with shiny variants and Menagerie levels of loot quantity
Into the Light introduced the raid boss gauntlet, the Pantheon, an endgame PvE challenge
Bungie has made two campaigns free to play content, Shadowkeep and Beyond Light, instead of vaulting them
Bungie has made Stasis free
Every weapon is being unsunset and able to be infused to max current power
Players in a team will be raised to close to the level of the leader so everyone can play all power-based content together
Power will be shared across all characters in the sense that drops will reflect your highest total power level, making it far easier to run multiple classes and characters
The Final Shape will let players combine all subclasses to a new subclass, Prismatic
The Prismatic subclass will have an exotic class item that will combine two exotic powers
The Final Shape will introduce a new enemy race, the Dread, for the first time since Forsaken’s Scorn
The Final Shape will add 100 more vault slots
The Final Shape will let you enhance weapon perks on normal drops, not just crafted ones
Destiny 2 DELETED BLUE ENGRAMS for softcap players (the most important one)
Just…it’s a lot. Bungie always says “they’re listening,” but in 2023/2024 I think we have to give them credit that more than ever, that is extremely true. Let me know which ones I’m forgetting and I’ll add them to the list.