While Bungie is constantly updating Destiny 2, the last few months in particular have cracked open a vault of player requests in a way that seems like someone pulled an emergency lever ahead of The Final Shape. Or at least execs finally started listening to the feedback of the fanbase and their own devs and greenlit these changes.
Destiny 2 just rolled out what I would consider three of the biggest changes in its history, no exaggeration, two of which specifically I believe will make the game infinitely better going forward. Let’s go through them all:
Weapon Sunrising: This is the biggest headline to be sure, though I think it’s the one that may have less of an overall impact than the other two. Bungie is essentially undoing weapon sunsetting, which arrived with Beyond Light and permanently capped all weapons before Season of Dawn at a low power level, meaning they could not be used in power-based activities, lest you cripple your own effectiveness.
That is now over. All these old weapons can be raised to current power. The problem is that weapon sunsetting has been in place for so long that most players have deleted countless sunset weapons from their vault, even many favorites, because they never thought this would happen. And Bungie says they can’t undo that.
While this change is cool and can create a burst of nostalgia as you take some classics out of your vault, one reason they can do this is that almost all of these weapons have been power crept out of relevance at this point with stronger perks and subclass 3.0 integration. And some of the biggest “offenders” from that period like Recluse or Luna’s Howl have been nerfed a few times at this point so they’re not about to start showing up and dominating everything. Bungie promises most of these weapons will end up reprised with new rolls in the game eventually, however. Still, it’s a good decision undoing something that never should have happened in the first place.
Destiny 2
Fireteam Power: It has long been difficult to get your friends to play Destiny and hop into a bunch of activities you want to play, given that more casual or new players will be way, way behind in power level and would need to do a bunch of grinding to catch up.
Now, Bungie is changing that. The people in your fireteam will scale up to close to the level of whoever had the highest power. At worst, they will be five under power compared to the leader, even if they might be 50 power under in actuality. This removes what is arguably the biggest barrier to playing with friends currently in the game even if it’s not say, giving them good loadouts or game knowledge. At least in terms of power, they will now be on equal footing. An exceptional change, and this is actually the reason they had to do weapon un-sunsetting in the first place, given that power level of even those sunset weapons would need to be brought up anyway.
Destiny 2
Account-Wide, Class-Shared Power: This is it, this is what I believe is one of the biggest changes in the ten year history of the series. Destiny 2 is now implementing account-wide power across all your characters, which will allow players to easily run multiple classes at a time without the need to do long grinds to make sure they’re keeping up in power.
This is not fully automatic, but it’s close. The level of your highest power character will determine the drops across all your characters, making it very easy to keep all your characters around the same power with a scarce handful of drops. Previously you’d have to do wacky things like transferring weapons across characters to raise power drops a bit, but it still took a while and most people didn’t bother.
This is such a good change. I have been saying for years and years that you are only experiencing a fraction of the game running a single class due to how different and fun the game can be when using multiple classes. But I understood why most people wouldn’t have time for the grind to keep alts powered up. Now, that’s going to be much, much easier to manage. I recommend everyone create all three classes for sure.
Incredible changes all across the board here. Great job to Bungie for getting all this done.
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Pick up my sci-fi novels the Herokiller series and The Earthborn Trilogy.
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